Feed Your Head Book Resources
Willing is not enough; we must do. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. - GoetheThe following videos, articles, tools and other information have been provided for readers of Feed Your Head.
In addition to the resources below, I have attempted to make losing weight and gaining health incredibly simple. In my presentations, I discuss a two word concept - Satiety and Taste. I would like to share that with you. Take a moment to read about it here. Thank you for reading my book and visiting the website. I enjoy reader feedback. If you have any questions or thoughts, please send an email. Ken Leebow [email protected] |
Obesity Maps
These maps have been omitted from the book. However, it is important to note the obesity trend in America. As a nation, we are getting heavier - which has many negative health consequences. Take a moment to review the CDC (Center for Disease Control) information.
CDC: Obesity Trends 1985 - 2013
Adult and Child Obesity Rates by State (2013)
I'm not fond of the word obesity. I do believe it's a misdirection - as in the "obesity epidemic". We must concentrate on food. By being obsessed with obesity, I believe we take the wrong fork in the road. I recommend reading Dr. Yoni Freedhoff's observations about obesity.
CDC: Obesity Trends 1985 - 2013
Adult and Child Obesity Rates by State (2013)
I'm not fond of the word obesity. I do believe it's a misdirection - as in the "obesity epidemic". We must concentrate on food. By being obsessed with obesity, I believe we take the wrong fork in the road. I recommend reading Dr. Yoni Freedhoff's observations about obesity.
Video Presentations
Michael Pollan - Author: In Defense of Food - (Referenced on page 23 in Feed Your Head)
Dr. David Kessler - Author: The End of Overeating - (Referenced on page 52 in Feed Your Head)
Marion Nestle - Author: What to Eat - (Referenced on page 71 in Feed Your Head)
Dr. David Kessler - Author: The End of Overeating - (Referenced on page 52 in Feed Your Head)
Marion Nestle - Author: What to Eat - (Referenced on page 71 in Feed Your Head)
This is Why You are Fat - The Western Diet
This is Why You're Fat - (Referenced on page 24 in Feed Your Head)
Photos taken from TV Commercials - (Referenced on page 24 in Feed Your Head)
Photos taken from TV Commercials - (Referenced on page 24 in Feed Your Head)
Portion Distortion
The History of Super-Sizing - (Referenced on page 26 in Feed Your Head)
*Portion Distortion - 1 - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Referenced on page 67 in Feed Your Head)
*Portion Distortion - 2 - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Referenced on page 67 in Feed Your Head)
Plate Size Study - Video
*Portion Distortion - 1 - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Referenced on page 67 in Feed Your Head)
*Portion Distortion - 2 - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Referenced on page 67 in Feed Your Head)
Plate Size Study - Video
Feed Your Head Blog Posts About Portions
Dueling Studies
As it relates to research, the recommendations can change from one day to the next. Here's a fascinating article titled: Lies, Damn Lies, and Medical Science. Its premise: Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice?
If you would like to read an insightful article about medical science and research, read this article.
If you would like to read an insightful article about medical science and research, read this article.
Weight Loss Commitment
Are You Ready to Change Your Habits - Twelve Questions from the Mayo Clinic - (Referenced on page 42 in Feed Your Head)
CardioSmart - American College of Cardiology
(Referenced on page 44 in Feed Your Head)
Understanding Blood Pressure
Understanding Cholesterol HDL
Understanding Cholesterol LDL
Understanding Triglycerides
Understanding Fats
Understanding Cholesterol HDL
Understanding Cholesterol LDL
Understanding Triglycerides
Understanding Fats
Body Mass Index (BMI)
(Referenced on page 46 in Feed Your Head)
Food Journal (Use the one that's best for you)
(Referenced on page 48 in Feed Your Head)
Calorie Counting Tools
(Referenced on pages 51 & 94 in Feed Your Head)
How Many Calories Per Day Should I Consume? - Here's a new and scientific calculator that will provide insight into that question.
Calorie Requirements by Age and Sex (PDF)
Calorie Count
Calorie King - Food Type Calories
Calorie Lab - Restaurant Calories
Restaurant Menus (Calorie and Nutrition Information)
Cut Calories to Avoid Gaining Weight (Article)
Calorie Requirements by Age and Sex (PDF)
Calorie Count
Calorie King - Food Type Calories
Calorie Lab - Restaurant Calories
Restaurant Menus (Calorie and Nutrition Information)
Cut Calories to Avoid Gaining Weight (Article)
Meet the Food Label
(Referenced on page 59 in Feed Your Head)
I believe one of the most important aspects of dieting is to 1) understand the food label and 2) read the label. I am always on the lookout for calories, sugar, trans fat, sodium, fiber, and protein content.
How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label - Food and Drug Administration FDA
Nutrition and Healthy Eating - Mayo Clinic
How to Read the Food Label - Part 1 Video
How to Read the Food Label - Part 2 Video
Nutrition Data - Search for an item
Fooducate - A handy smartphone app that rates thousands of food items
How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label - Food and Drug Administration FDA
Nutrition and Healthy Eating - Mayo Clinic
How to Read the Food Label - Part 1 Video
How to Read the Food Label - Part 2 Video
Nutrition Data - Search for an item
Fooducate - A handy smartphone app that rates thousands of food items
Sugar, Sugar
(Referenced on page 65 in Feed Your Head)
It's very simple: We consume too much sugar. It's not good for our health and the empty calories cause weight-gain. These articles, videos, and podcast make the case. I recommend that you read, watch, and listen . . .
*Sugar: The Bitter Truth - Dr. Robert Lustig (Video)
Is Sugar Toxic? - Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports
How Much Sugar is in Everyday Items?
How Much Sugar Do We Consume Annually?
Are You Pouring on the Pounds
How Much Sugar is in a Can of Soda? (Video)
Sugar and Soda - Dr. David Ludwig (Audio)
Is Sugar Toxic - New York Times article
The Sweet and Lowdown on Sugar
*This is a long video. However, since we consume so much sugar (about 150 pounds per year), I believe it is time well spent. Hard to believe, it's been viewed over 7 million times. If you would like to read two in-depth blog posts that refute Dr. Lustig's assumptions about High Fructose Corn Syrup, I recommend Science-Based Medicine and The Bitter Truth about Fructose Alarmism. Whether it's High Fructose Corn Syrup or Cane Sugar that we are consuming, makes no difference. HFCS is 55% fructose and cane sugar is 50% fructose. In other words, sugar is sugar.
Our Blog Posts About Sugar:
Drink One Can of Soda Per Day and You Will Consume This Amount of Sugar
Kick the soda habit
*Sugar: The Bitter Truth - Dr. Robert Lustig (Video)
Is Sugar Toxic? - Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports
How Much Sugar is in Everyday Items?
How Much Sugar Do We Consume Annually?
Are You Pouring on the Pounds
How Much Sugar is in a Can of Soda? (Video)
Sugar and Soda - Dr. David Ludwig (Audio)
Is Sugar Toxic - New York Times article
The Sweet and Lowdown on Sugar
*This is a long video. However, since we consume so much sugar (about 150 pounds per year), I believe it is time well spent. Hard to believe, it's been viewed over 7 million times. If you would like to read two in-depth blog posts that refute Dr. Lustig's assumptions about High Fructose Corn Syrup, I recommend Science-Based Medicine and The Bitter Truth about Fructose Alarmism. Whether it's High Fructose Corn Syrup or Cane Sugar that we are consuming, makes no difference. HFCS is 55% fructose and cane sugar is 50% fructose. In other words, sugar is sugar.
Our Blog Posts About Sugar:
Drink One Can of Soda Per Day and You Will Consume This Amount of Sugar
Kick the soda habit
What's for Dinner?
(Referenced on page 80 in Feed Your Head)
Feed Your Head Menu - (This item is currently being updated)
I always like to know what health experts eat. Typically, I can learn a few new dishes. For your reference and review, I have cataloged two weeks of my eating and exercise (This item is currently being updated).
I always like to know what health experts eat. Typically, I can learn a few new dishes. For your reference and review, I have cataloged two weeks of my eating and exercise (This item is currently being updated).
What is Fiber?
The more fiber you eat, the more weight you will lose!
When it comes to losing weight, I don't believe in magic or tricks, however, for weight loss and satiety, fiber does the trick. If these resources don't convince you, nothing will. Dr. Ann Kulze states: "Fiber is nature's diet pill."
Focus on Protein and Fiber
The "Magic of Fiber and Water - If you understand this, you are well on your way to easy weight-loss.
Fiber: Start Roughing It! - Harvard School of Public Health
What Is Fiber? What Is Dietary Fiber? Fiber Rich Foods
Boost Your Diet with Fiber - Examples of High-Fiber Foods
What is Fiber? - Video
Fiber is Your Best Friend - Dr. Neal Barnard
Focus on Protein and Fiber
The "Magic of Fiber and Water - If you understand this, you are well on your way to easy weight-loss.
Fiber: Start Roughing It! - Harvard School of Public Health
What Is Fiber? What Is Dietary Fiber? Fiber Rich Foods
Boost Your Diet with Fiber - Examples of High-Fiber Foods
What is Fiber? - Video
Fiber is Your Best Friend - Dr. Neal Barnard
Mindless Eating
(Referenced on page 88 in Feed Your Head)
Mindless Eating Interview - Brian Wansink - Author: Mindless Eating (41 minutes)
Stanford Magazine: Mind Over Platter Article - about Brian Wansink
Stanford Magazine: Mind Over Platter Article - about Brian Wansink
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
(Referenced on page 102 in Feed Your Head)
Exercise is better than any drug or anything else we have for aging. There's no downside. If this were a drug, it would be the safest, most effective drug in the universe. - Dr. James O. Hill, Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado at Denver
The Value of Walking
Exercise and Calorie Calculator
Nutrition and Physical Activity for a Lifetime - Dr. Christina Economos (Video)
The Value of Walking
Exercise and Calorie Calculator
Nutrition and Physical Activity for a Lifetime - Dr. Christina Economos (Video)
Lose Weight and Donate
(Referenced on page 113 in Feed Your Head)
Snack Time
Snacking is very important. A good healthy snack should be 100 - 200 calories. Here are a few examples of snacks that I recommend.